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No New Posts Hell's Belles

CAUTION: This board contains information you must read to survive.
Each one of these lovely maidens who reside in the inferno has something important to tell us. Think of them as your guide through the basics of Plagued; one has been assigned to inform you of our rules, one will tell you the tale of the land, and another bears the burden of informing everyone of the events.

7 7 FAQ's
by Plague
Mar 25, 2012 8:48:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Dante's Public Address System - 1 Viewing

Dear curious guests, post all of your lovely questions here. Anything regarding the site that is an open question can also be placed here. Any and all forum announcements will be placed here as well, because this is the 'Public Address System'. Thank you for reading the description. I know you did.

1 2 Announcements!
by Famine
Mar 23, 2012 10:22:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Hello, Love.

Introductions and farewells go here. Maybe you have to go away for a while? Darling, post that here. It's alright to go away, but we don't want you to leave forever... Nor do you want to. *evil face*

1 1 Hey thar
by Famine
Apr 5, 2012 19:05:47 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Spread the Infection

The character application will be found here, dearies. This is also where you will place your pending character applications. It will be lovely once you are accepted, but if we do not get to your application right away please do not grow impatient. If you do, bad things will happen; we do not want that, now do we, dearies?

3 3 Acantha Lannel (WIP)
by Acantha Lannel
Mar 23, 2012 22:02:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Insanity Hath No Cure - 1 Viewing

All approved characters and other requests will be placed here in the corresponding sub-boards. Once you have been approved you can proceed to party with the damned. If you are not approved, you do not have permission to party.

6 12 Keaton Bartholomew
by Famine
Mar 23, 2012 18:46:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Manipulating the Crowd

Face claims, member totals, and the who plays who sections will be placed in this board. Once a character is approved please post in the corresponding thread. If you don't, I will personally call the Joker and he will inject you with anti-freeze. Thank you for your cooperation.

4 4 Face Claim
by Famine
Mar 2, 2012 21:41:01 GMT -5
No New Posts Socialize Your Creations - 1 Viewing

All sub-plots and character plots can be placed here. If you want to post some kind of a 'character ad', we do not forbid it, but it is frowned upon. Do not make us frown upon you. We enjoy smiling. Let us smile, or the fates will not be kind!

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Pafica Port

This is the main outlet to the ocean. Pirates patrol the waters and Pafica itself is rather unruly. There is no slave trade here, and there are no rulers. It's pure anarchy. The only time the people agree with each other is when Dela is threatening to invade. With the strength of the pirates behind them, they haven't yet been defeated.

1 1 Peaceful Respite (open)
by Keaton Bartholomew
Mar 23, 2012 20:19:36 GMT -5
No New Posts The Bitter Cold

The North. Mountains. Snow. Ice. Freezing cold abandonment and death. This is the place were hell has frozen over. In the summer things get rather green, but the summer is shortlived and not worth it. People who live here are hardy and well adjusted to the lack of heat. If you plan to travel here, go prepared. Nothing is as it seems in this land where white can quickly turn to blood red; a place where nothing is ever as it seems. There are many various areas of this winter wonderland, so make yourself at home if you dare.

Sub-boards: Beastly Clearing, Hidden Cavern, Nocturne Falls, Wintry Woods

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Flourishing Heart

The center of the continent is warm and wholesome. Green is a common color here; temperatures are always favorable, fresh water is abundant, travelers trek through the open area on their way to better places. All in all this place is one of the cleanest, more beautiful places on this Plagued continent.

Sub-boards: Mystic Spring, Pulchritudinous Meadow

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No New Posts Grit and Gravel - 1 Viewing

A long, winding path takes you from society to society, village to village. All small settlements worth mentioning will be located along this worn trail. The terrain changes as you continue on, eventually dumping you out at the ocean. If you continue too far in the opposite direction, however, you will end up in no-man's land. Feral beasts and creatures with fearsome appetites reside here, and they do not take kindly to those light of heart.

Sub-boards: Jysperia, Birentien, Valspara

1 7 Like a Boss (open)
by Kadence Bartholomew
Apr 8, 2012 19:36:59 GMT -5
No New Posts Majesty's River

One would expect a river to be clear and flowing with ease, but this river is temperamental. It used to be healthy and fresh, but now it is a wide trickle. Nasty noodle-like matter floats down it as well. This foliage is edible but just so; most people don't risk the chances. The water is clear for the most part, but is not very appetizing. A herd of goats live alongside the river, but do not dare to kill one and feast upon it; if you do, the man of whom these goats belong will not be pleased. You will be punished.

Sub-boards: Salty Sea, Macabre Marsh

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts No Man's Land - 2 Viewing

This is the place where is is rugged and strange. Shelter is little, food is very scarce. Only the very brave bother to travel here. There are ancient ruins that appeal to some if you travel far enough and can withstand the obstacles that are hurled at your face.

Sub-boards: Oasis, Barren Forest, Ancient Ruins

1 3 Exploration (open)
by Dante Seraphim
Mar 13, 2012 19:19:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Capital City, Dela - 1 Viewing

Dela is the capital city, run by the horsemen and inhabited by all of the richer men and women. Slaves make up at least half of the population. The city is rather clean and healthy; food and water are plentiful. Dirt is frowned upon and the rulings are tough. This place claims to be the leader of the land but they truly have no official reign.

Sub-boards: Dramatic Arts, Residential Districts, Alleys and Streets, Palace

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No New Posts Disease Control

This is the staff board. If you are not a staffer, you are not allowed. We do have a password in effect. Tee hee.

3 139
No New Posts Dictate Thy Tongue Efficiently

You may discuss anything you want to here as long as it is appropriate. This is an out of character board. They do not wish to be dragged into this, so please refrain from doing so. Everything is good here, so save the drama for you llama.

Sub-board: Gaming

2 10 Would You Rather
by Plague
Mar 26, 2012 19:05:44 GMT -5
No New Posts If You Got It, Flaunt It - 3 Viewing

Advertisements and affiliate requests go here. Please read the affiliate rules, guys and dolls, because you will be removed if you do not. Here we have a zero tolerance policy for bullshit rule-breakers.

Sub-boards: Contacting The Madness, Partners in Crime, Madness Contacted Us, Becoming Insane

41 45 Affiliation Rules
by Akaru Mizu
Dec 18, 2012 16:24:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Famine's Black Market

Funny, isn't it, how someone named Famine runs a grocery store? Naw, just kiddin', but this is the place where you will purchase things to aid your character on their journey through the depressing (though thoroughly exciting) land of Plagued. She sells a lot of things; dentures, organs, baby food, and even a few jars of squirrel AIDS. Don't let this bother you, though, because some of the things she sells are actually worth your time. A graphic and art board are also located here, for those of you who are talented in those departments!

Sub-boards: Art, Graphics

3 3 Pay Day
by Famine
Mar 2, 2012 17:40:24 GMT -5


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